Rotating machinery dynamics and bearings seminars and training sessions are offered by RBTS throughout the year. Dedicated technology transfer seminars are held at RBTS or the client facility and they are tailored to suite the client needs, requirements, and applications.
The seminars are designed for engineers and technical managers who are involved in rotating machinery design, operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and trouble shooting, with emphasis on machinery rotor dynamics, drive train torsional vibrations, and bearing systems that support, guide, and locate the rotating assembly.
An optional on-site tutorial and orientation session for the ARMD software is also available to RBTS customers. The tutorial and orientation session covers the software theory and application, bearings and rotor/bearing systems design and analysis, and interpretation of the results generated by ARMD software. The session can be tailored to address client-specific equipment and needs and can be setup for 1-5 days.
You can explore the various seminar formats that we offer on this page (U.S.A, International, or Tailored). Contact RBTS for further information about our seminars, or to plan/design a session that will suite your needs and requirements. Feel free to visit RBTS’ sample seminars photo gallery for a quick peak. Visit gallery
Seminar Documents
Typical Seminars
Tailored Seminars
Past Seminar Photos